DIP 50 - AST macros

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Wed Nov 13 00:41:45 PST 2013

On 2013-11-12 22:55, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

> Which you still have to mixin, btw. Which means any tree manipulation
> you do must be done at compile-time.
> Unless, of course,  you then put the resulting code into another file,
> to be compiled and loaded afterwards.

It would be at compile time with macros anyway. The DIP even says that 
the macro functions are removed in the code generating phase.

> *cough cough*
> But, as other have said, these would be very un-hygienic macros, with
> no knowledge of the surrounding environment.
> Unless said CT-compatible parser could also somehow determine the
> local symbols (you could pass it 'by hand', but who would do that,
> realistically?)


/Jacob Carlborg

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