Build Master: Scheduling

Brad Roberts braddr at
Wed Nov 13 18:46:55 PST 2013

On 11/13/13 4:37 PM, Tyro[17] wrote:
> I'm of the opinion, however, that
> the cycle should be six months long. This particular schedule is not of my own crafting but I
> believe it to be sound and worthy of emulation:

I think 6 months between releases is entirely too long.  I'd really like us to be back closer to the 
once every month or two rather than only twice a year.  The pace of change is high and increasing 
(which is a good thing).  Release early and often yields a smoother rate of introducing those 
changes to the non-bleeding-edge part of the community.  The larger the set of changes landing in a 
release the more likely it is to be a painful, breaking, experience.

> Schedule
> --------
> 2.064 --- 2.064.1 --- 2.064.2 -- ...
>    \
>     + -- 2.065beta1 --- 2.065beta2 --- ... --- 2.065rc1 --- 2.065 --- 2.065.1 --- ...
>                                                              \
>                                                                + -- 2.066beta1 --- ...

As drawn, this looks a lot like a branch structure rather than release timing.  I dearly hope this 
isn't intended to represent branching.

My few cents,

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