Build Master: Scheduling

Brad Anderson eco at
Wed Nov 13 19:03:10 PST 2013

On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 02:47:15 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
> I think 6 months between releases is entirely too long.  I'd 
> really like us to be back closer to the once every month or two 
> rather than only twice a year.  The pace of change is high and 
> increasing (which is a good thing).  Release early and often 
> yields a smoother rate of introducing those changes to the 
> non-bleeding-edge part of the community.  The larger the set of 
> changes landing in a release the more likely it is to be a 
> painful, breaking, experience.

I agree. There's really no reason not to release frequently as 
long as the release process isn't overly burdensome on the 
Release Czar (Walter's term, not mine :P). Git's cheap and 
powerful branching means it's easy to work on changes of nearly 
any size and still have a rapid release cycle.

6 months between releases means a regression that was introduced 
in the latest version requires you to wait another 6 months for 
the fix which means you are running a version that is a year out 
of date.

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