Build Master: Scheduling

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Wed Nov 13 20:30:23 PST 2013

On 11/14/13, Brad Anderson <eco at> wrote:
> 6 months between releases means a regression that was introduced
> in the latest version requires you to wait another 6 months for
> the fix which means you are running a version that is a year out
> of date.

6 months is ridiculously long. The changelog itself will have to span
pages. And because a lot of people do not use DMD-head we'll end up
with a ton of regressions that are only caught after a release is
made. And people who want an important fix will have to wait 6 months
for a release. New library features or modules will only be properly
tested after a release, so that means potentially waiting 6 months
with very little feedback.

IMO 6 months is unacceptably long. We're not steering an oil rig here,
D is supposed to be a speedboat.

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