Build Master: Scheduling

Tyro[17] ridimz at
Wed Nov 13 21:05:40 PST 2013

On 11/13/13, 11:30 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 11/14/13, Brad Anderson <eco at> wrote:
>> 6 months between releases means a regression that was introduced
>> in the latest version requires you to wait another 6 months for
>> the fix which means you are running a version that is a year out
>> of date.
> 6 months is ridiculously long. The changelog itself will have to span
> pages. And because a lot of people do not use DMD-head we'll end up
> with a ton of regressions that are only caught after a release is
> made. And people who want an important fix will have to wait 6 months
> for a release. New library features or modules will only be properly
> tested after a release, so that means potentially waiting 6 months
> with very little feedback.
> IMO 6 months is unacceptably long. We're not steering an oil rig here,
> D is supposed to be a speedboat.

It's been approximately six months since the release of 2.063 (alright 
five+: May 28 to Nov 5). I don't think too many of us lost sleep over 
that. There is nothing ridiculously long about six months.

I doubt your change log would be much longer because of time elapsed. 
Rather, it would be longer because more people had time to work with the 
betas and discover the problems contained therein and subsequently got 
them fixed.

What I am proposing is that you get a package every month. That should 
be enough time to ferry out any regression that may crop up. Use the 
betas on a monthly basis and you get to ride the bullet train.


Andrew Edwards
auto getAddress() {
     string location = "@", period = ".";
     return ("info" ~ location ~ "afidem" ~ period ~ "org");

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