Ehem, ARM
Elvis Zhou
elvis.x.zhou at
Fri Nov 15 02:31:37 PST 2013
On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 06:18:00 UTC, Joakim wrote:
> On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 00:18:50 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
>> On 11/14/2013 05:14 PM, Kai Nacke wrote:
>>> But this is only half of the story. My target is Linux/ARM
>>> which is
>>> already supported by druntime/phobos. If you target a
>>> smartphone then
>>> you also have to add Android or iOS support to
>>> druntime/phobos.
>> Currently version (linux) in druntime is equivalent to glibc.
>> Porting druntime to bionic or newlib might be quite an effort
>> but I have no concrete idea what issues to expect.
> As Kai says, has anyone worked on getting D running on Android
> before? I've been thinking about attempting an Android port
> for years. I thought I'd spin up some x86 VMs this weekend and
> take a crack at getting D working on Android/x86
> ( as a first step. If anyone has
> started on this already, I could chip in on their branch.
> Also, does dmd have any support for cross-compilation or is it
> better to stick to ldc/gdc when cross compiling to Android?
> On a related note, it looks like Rust was ported to Android/ARM
> earlier this year:
A month ago I tried to cross compile a Hello World for Android
with ldc on Debian7 x64 with android_ndk_r9 but failed with lots
of link errors. One of those issues reveal that qsort is absent
from Android stdlib, I get over it by grabbing a qsort.c and it
works. Other issues are beyond my knowledge and I'm too busy to
continue, hope I can take some time to hack on this late this
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