Worst-case performance of quickSort / getPivot
xinok at live.com
Sat Nov 16 14:11:44 PST 2013
On Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 20:35:21 UTC, Andrei
Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 11/16/13 11:46 AM, Xinok wrote:
>> * Regardless of these improvements, I think Timsort should be
>> the
>> default sorting algorithm. It's the better choice in many
>> (most?) cases
>> and, well, it's stable. Quick sort would still be available
>> for those
>> cases in which it's faster and stable sorting isn't needed.
> There's something fishy about a more restricted algorithm doing
> better than one that's less restricted. We must improve
> unstable sort, not make stable sort the default.
> Andrei
Timsort is an "adaptive" sort. It's able to achieve better
performance in many cases by exploiting patterns in the data.
I decided to make a nice little test using my benchmark code here:
This is the permutation I designed for the test:
static uint[] base;
base.length = 1024 * 1024;
foreach(i, ref v; base) v = i;
foreach(i; 0..1024)
auto rand()
return rndGen.front % base.length;
switch(rand() % 3)
// Swap two ranges of elements
case 0:
auto arr = [rand(), rand(), rand(), rand()];
swapRanges(base[arr[0]..arr[1]], base[arr[2]..arr[3]]);
} break;
// Reverse a range of elements
case 1:
auto a = rand(), b = rand();
if(a > b) swap(a, b);
} break;
// Shuffle a small range of elements
case 2:
auto a = rand();
while(a < 1024) a = rand();
assert(a >= 1024);
randomShuffle(base[a - 1024 .. a]);
} break;
default: assert(0);
And the results (last number is predicate calls):
Current Unstable Sort 50ms 32783474
New Unstable Sort 69ms 21503542
Timsort 35ms 3905887
That's why I suggest making Timsort the default sorting algorithm.
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