DIP 50 - AST macros
public at dicebot.lv
Sun Nov 17 05:10:36 PST 2013
> Think about the desired feature mentioned earlier in this
> thread of being able to insert a "return;" statement, causing
> what looks like a function call to return from the caller.
> That's a major step increase in obfuscation, not just a detail.
You do realize that, as per more strict proposal, it won't change
a _single_ thing about semantics of actual D function but allows
to generate another one with semantics defined by macro?
It has _zero_ added ofbuscation over existing template + traits
combo. You have not shown a single example which proves otherwise
and keep resorting to personal experience argument instead of
doing actual comparison. You have full right to do so but it does
not sound like a decision made on behalf of careful reasoning.
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