Java moves to copying for substrings

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Tue Nov 19 02:27:27 PST 2013

Jesse Phillips:

> Somewhat interesting, Java has chosen to make substring result 
> in a copy of the string data rather than returning a window of 
> the underlying chars.

I presume in Java slices weren't very common, unlike in D. So I 
think this is the right design choice for Java (also because 
those Java strings are too much large, four instance fields), but 
D is better designed as it is.

On the other hand the idea of putting the hash code inside the 
string in D was not discussed enough :-)

 From the discussion, Dmd associative arrays were designed like 

>In Java 8 an improved solution devised by Doug Lea is used. In 
>this solution colliding but Comparable Map keys are placed in a 
>tree rather than a linked listed. Performance degenerates to 
>O(log n) for the collisions but this is usually small unless 
>someone is creating keys which intentionally collide or has a 
>very, very bad hashcode implementation, ie. "return 3".<

>I am reminded of a denial of service attack that used 
>intentionally colliding request field names/values to attack web 
>servers and bringing down servers to their knees.<


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