try/catch idiom in std.datetime

growler growlercab at
Tue Nov 19 17:26:33 PST 2013

On Tuesday, 19 November 2013 at 21:21:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> On 11/19/13 12:17 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> On 2013-11-19 19:29, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> That's not an expression, it's a statement - more precisely an
>>> expression statement. (The semicolon makes it so.) By the 
>>> rules you
>>> incorrectly stated, there should be an empty line after it.
>> I'm sorry for not know every minor detail of the language.
> It's not a minor detail. Besides, people took time to explain 
> this to you, and the right response is to integrate that 
> information, not to demean it.
>>> I'll allow myself a piece of advice - the density of e.g.
>>> is low enough to make it career limiting. You'd do good to 
>>> change your
>>> style.
>> Are you serious? Anyone caring about that doesn't know what 
>> he/she is
>> doing.
> That's exactly my point. The matter of fact is, in a setting 
> where people are paid to write code, this kind of minor issue 
> would be settled around the first week since hiring. At 
> Facebook for example you'd be submitting a phabricator diff 
> (loosely equivalent to a github pull request) and our linter 
> will point out we use two spaces for indentation instead of 
> tabs, and 80 columns. Then a couple of peers would point out 
> that code is about twice as sparse vertically than it should. 
> You'd fix these issues for good and that would be that. This 
> has happened quite a few times. If, on the other hand, you 
> chose to make a big deal out of it, that would be a cultural 
> mismatch that to my knowledge would be unprecedented.
> Andrei

Man, I thought these debates died out long ago. All that matters 
in style is readability and consistency.

Looking at that code linked above::

1. Is the code formatting consistent? Yes
2. Is the code formatting consistent within the repo? Yes
3. Is the code formatting easily read by a programmer? Yes

Whether you, I, or anyone else like with the style is irrelevant. 
Personally I'm not a fan, but that doesn't make the author a bad 
programmer, nor does it make me right. It simply means:

a) Jacob and I prefer different formatting styles and
b) I need to adapt if I'm to work on dstep.

Now if dstep was written at Facebook then OK, the code would need 
reformatting because it violates point 2. above.

As for Phobos code, insist on tighter style guidelines. No one 
will care as long as it is consistent and readable. Any 
programmer worth anything will just adhere to it happily. Those 
that don't want to are not going to have much to contribute, 
they're more worried about their personal style than advancing 
Phobos and D with great code.


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