Should "" be moved from Phobos to Deimos?
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Tue Nov 26 11:00:35 PST 2013
On 11/25/13 4:36 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> The number one problem on Windows is the fact that libcurl does not come with
> Windows and that you have to get a version of it build which is compatible
> with dmd has proven to be a huge hurdle for Windows developers.
Why is "compatible with dmd" an issue? Do we make it any harder for
libcurl than other clients? Could you please explain?
> There may be
> other problems, but that's the biggest. Distributing libcurl with dmd could fix
> that, but IIRC, there was some reason why we couldn't do that (or maybe it was
> just that Walter didn't want to - I can't remember).
Walter is opposed only to building libcurl from source for distributing
it, which is an understandable stance.
> On Linux, I believe that the biggest problem is that dmd then has to be built
> on your specific distro for it to work with your distro, so the libraries in
> the zip file were only working on debian-based systems. Regardless of why
> libcurl is not distributed with dmd on Windows, we couldn't distribute for
> Linux to fix this problem, because that would conflict with the system's
> libcurl.
So what is the classic recommended solution for such cases? We can't be
the first people who are having this issue on Unix.
> There may be other problems, but I think that those are the two bigs ones, and
> they've come up several times (particularly the issues with libcurl and
> Windows).
I've asked the question "what exactly is the problem" several times and
you came closest to answering it, but a bunch of stuff is still unclear
to me.
> There's also Don's recent rant on why curl was ever supported in the first
> place, but I guess that he just wasn't paying enough attention to it given
> that he only complained about it recently rather than during the review:
First, it's not like we slipped curl in while nobody was looking.
Second, I'm sure curl has its shortcomings, but I'd be hard pressed to
find better alternatives.
As to just dumping curl and doing our own: I just looked and libcurl has
160K lines. Those include examples and probably a fair amount of header
chaff etc. that's unneeded in D, but I'd assess there are on the order
of 100K lines of "pulp" code that does real work. Simply dumping would not only break existing code that depends on it in
unthinkable ways (no replacement and no recourse), but would put us some
100KLOC behind in terms of a working replacement.
> At this point, I'm inclined to argue that Phobos should not depend on any
> libraries other than the system libraries for each OS so that we can avoid
> further dependencies that may not be available - especially when it comes to
> Windows, since Windows comes with no 3rd party development libraries at all.
> So, I would very much be against's inclusion at this point and
> would argue that it should be in a library separate from Phobos and that if we
> want similar functionality in Phobos, we need to implement it without relying
> on anything other than system libraries. And from previous discussions on the
> topic, I believe that Walter and several other dmd/Phobos devs agree with
> that.
I don't agree with that. Or I don't understand what you're asking. If
what you're asking is we break all existing code using with
no suggested replacement, that would be pretty bad, no?
If I understand correctly the complaint is: "people who don't have curl
can't use". That's to be expected. It's in the name!
A more reasonable complaint is: "people who don't have curl can't use
high-level HTTP/FTP client networking, which is expected of a modern
language's standard library". For those we should NOT throw away
libcurl. We should instead focus on providing e.g. which is
an in-house library for doing great stuff. Then people can choose. In
the long term we may even recommend moving away from curl because durl
is mature and better etc.
> So, I'm all for removing, but if we do that, we'd obviously need
> to deprecate it first rather than simply removing it, and we'd need to have a
> separate library with in it (preferably one which could be pulled
> in via dub) which people could switch to using instead. Whether that library
> would be maintained by us, by Jonas (since he created it), or someone else, I
> don't know, but ideally, it wouldn't be in Phobos any longer. At minimum, I
> think that we should avoid putting any more 3rd party dependencies in Phobos
> in the future.
This is probably going to come again. We can't build everything in house
in due time. Do we have an openssl layer written in D?
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