Should "" be moved from Phobos to Deimos?

Dicebot public at
Wed Nov 27 11:18:07 PST 2013

On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 19:10:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
> On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 18:58:42 UTC, Andrei 
> Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Wait, you mean with binaries and all?
> Yeah, I like it the way it is too since I use the binaries too, 
> building windows programs from my linux box calling wine dmd. 
> My scripts currently assume the zip layout and it works pretty 
> beautifully.

I don't think Windows binaries will go anywhere as they do work 
on all supported Windows versions. Problem is with considering 
"Linux" a single platform while in practice each distro is more 
like separate operating system (despite being so similar in many 

My vision is that we can keep current layout but to make it 
mandatory to run `make` on target Linux system to create actual 
binaries in the same places they are present right now. It should 
work quite reliably at only added cost of actual compilation time 
(which is relatively small for dmd + phobos)

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