GUI libraries

Xavier Bigand flamaros.xavier at
Thu Nov 28 12:54:58 PST 2013

Le 28/11/2013 21:35, Jacob Carlborg a écrit :
> On 2013-11-28 21:03, Xavier Bigand wrote:
>> Take a look to QML with Qt Quick Controls :
> That shows the problem with non-native toolkits. When he adds the button
> to the toolbar in the beginning, the toolbar isn't a native unified
> toolbar. It's some custom toolbar.

Yep, that the goal, having applications with a real personality. I don't 
think it's an issue especially when application is full screen and 
respect pictographs (icons and texts) standards,...

Having custom UI can help applications to improve ergonomic with 
dedicated behaviors when it's needed.

D itself isn't limited to one policy, you can do objects or not,... the 
only things that is important is to let a strong default couple of style 
and ergonomic without adding complexity for users want do some custom stuff.

What is native on windows ?
  - Win32
  - Winforms
  - Qt Widgets (that is near Win32)?

And on linux ?
  - GTK (with gnome and KDE)
  - Qt QML (KDE future)

A native UI isn't necessary considered as the standard one, maybe Qt 
have a chance to be a real standard (on many platforms).

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