std.d.lexer performance (WAS: std.d.lexer : voting thread)

Brad Anderson eco at
Thu Oct 3 13:15:19 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 20:11:02 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> On 10/3/13 12:47 PM, Brian Schott wrote:
>> On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 19:07:03 UTC, nazriel wrote:
>>> (Btw, someone got benchmarks of std.d.lexer?
>>> I remember that Brain was benchmarking his module quite a lot 
>>> in order
>>> to catch up with DMD's lexer but I can't find links in IRC 
>>> logs. I
>>> wonder if he achieved his goal in this regard)
>> The most recent set of timings that I have can be found here:
>> They're a bit old at this point, but not much has changed in 
>> the lexer
>> internals. I can try running another set of benchmarks soon. 
>> (The
>> hardest part is hacking DMD to just do the lexing)
>> The times on the X-axis are milliseconds.
> I see we're considerably behind dmd. If improving performance 
> would come at the price of changing the API, it may be sensible 
> to hold off adoption for a bit.
> Andrei

Considerably?  They look very similar to me.  dmd is just 
slightly winning.

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