simendsjo at
Fri Oct 4 01:06:22 PDT 2013
On Friday, 4 October 2013 at 07:39:36 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
> I was suggested to bring this idea up here.
> fileType should be a function for determining of file type.
> Example of usage:
> Suppose application uses special directory for plugins (i.e.
> dynamic libraries). In graphics user interface it can be
> reflected like list of checkboxes that show which plugins are
> on and which are off. To implement this we should know that
> file actually represents dynamic library without trying to load
> it into executable memory. Yes, we can load and unload every
> file in place to check that it's valid dynamic library but it's
> some kind of hack.
> Another example is file manager. It has icons for the most
> common file types and usually relies on file extension to
> determine which icon should be used. But we can't always rely
> on extension. For example many games use .pk3 extension as
> alias to .zip, but file manager know nothing about it and shows
> these files like ones with unknown extension.
> So how do you think does phobos need these capabilities? May be
> you have other examples where this function can be useful.
Seems a bit specific to be put in the standard library. If you
don't mind GPL, you can look at the source for file:
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