[OT] Liability of Moderator

Chris wendlec at tcd.ie
Tue Oct 8 03:49:37 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 10:41:17 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> On Tuesday, October 08, 2013 12:34:21 Chris wrote:
>> A short OT question: A friend of mine wants to set up a forum 
>> or
>> mailing list and would like to know to which extent the 
>> moderator
>> or owner of the forum is liable, if some random troll or member
>> puts libelous, insulting or racist remarks on the forum. I 
>> guess
>> it depends mainly on national laws, but is there some general
>> "I'm not responsible for anything"-clause in the terms &
>> conditions that subscribers have to accept. If not, it would be
>> very dangerous to set up a forum or mailing list. Thanks for 
>> any
>> hints, links or tricks.
> I don't know how anyone could ever be held liable for something 
> someone else
> said on their forum, but it's not often that it makes sense 
> when someone sues
> someone.
> - Jonathan M Davis

If someone claims that the moderator didn't remove an insulting 
or libelous post on the forum. I guess a mailing list is safer, 
because it is not public in the sense that it's out there on the 
Web. It consists of private email messages and the author takes 
responsibility for what he writes (it's like a signed letter in a 

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