Qt bindings for D
michaelc37 at msn.com
Sun Oct 13 13:40:59 PDT 2013
On Sunday, 13 October 2013 at 12:39:55 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
> Hi guys
> a few months ago I tried to find working bindings for Qt and
> the best I could see was qtd. I tried compiling it but it
> didn't go too well on my Linux 64bit machine, and saw in the
> forums that the original developers had ceased maintaining it.
> Because I have been using Qt for around 10 years or so now
> (mainly from python but a little C++ too) I had a go at getting
> it to work again.
> It took a few weekends but I got the main examples going (Core,
> GUI, XML etc) with Qt 4.8 and 2.062. I felt that I was having
> to do some rewinding of where the original developers were
> going (it seemed that they were trying to take QRect et al down
> the struct route, but my to my newbie eyes it seemed doomed
> because it was making assumptions about the way the C++ and D
> compilers were laying out the struct data that didn't work on
> my machine - but I could be wrong about that). Anyway I treated
> it as an educational exercise and make QRect et al. regular
> classes, and got it generally working again.
> Then real life took over again and I had to shelve the project,
> but now I have a little spare time again. I suspect there are
> other developers such as myself out there who are keen to try D
> but would like to use it with Qt, so I thought I would let you
> know what I had done in case others were interested. I'm kind
> of hoping that someone will say that the job is already done,
> but I suspect that is not the case.
> The original developers did a really great job of the wrapping
> and left the build system in a really good state too. However,
> there seems to be very little testing other than the standard
> qt examples themselves, so I can't be sure exactly where the
> wrapping stands. Although the original developers felt that it
> had some way to go before being really useful, it seems to me
> that they had achieved more than that and that some would want
> to use it as it stood.
> Unfortunately the wrapping is based on QtJambi, which is now
> dead, but anyway it's easy with hindsight isn't it.
> Is anyone else interested and can anyone help me with polishing
> it? It needs testing, trying out on Windows, and some
> improvements to the build system. I have very little time ATM
> but it would be good to capture where I've got to so that
> others could pick it up or just experiment with D and Qt.
> regards
> Abdulhaq
Hi, my story is similar to yours.
but anyway long story short,
i recently managed to get it compiling again with qt 4.8 and dmd
i think for the QRect problem i ended up passing pointers, i also
updated alot of the examples.
i'd like to have a look at your work where can i find it?.
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