GDC vs dmd speed
Spacen Jasset
spacenjasset at
Mon Oct 14 12:24:28 PDT 2013
Whilst porting some C++ code I have discovered that the compiled output
from the gdc compiler seems to be 47% quicker than the dmd compiler. The
code I believe that is the 'busy' code is below. Although I could
provide a complete test if anyone is interested. Is this an expected
result and/or is there something I could change to make the compilers
perform similarly. The function render_minecraft gets called repeatedly
to render single frames. framebufindex is a simple function to return a
buffer index. Perhaps it is not being inlined? rgba is another simple
further details are:
dmd32 v2.063.2
with flags: ["-O", "-release", "-noboundscheck", "-inline"]
gdc 4.6 (0.29.1-4.6.4-1ubuntu4) Which I assume might be v2.020?
with flags: ["-O2"]
// render the next frame into the given 'frame_buf'
void render_minecraft(void * private_renderer_data, uint32_t * frame_buf)
render_info * info = cast(render_info *)private_renderer_data;
const float pi = 3.14159265f;
float dx = cast(float)(Clock.currSystemTick.length %
(TickDuration.ticksPerSec * 10)) / (TickDuration.ticksPerSec * 10);
float xRot = sin(dx * pi * 2) * 0.4f + pi / 2;
float yRot = cos(dx * pi * 2) * 0.4f;
float yCos = cos(yRot);
float ySin = sin(yRot);
float xCos = cos(xRot);
float xSin = sin(xRot);
float ox = 32.5f + dx * 64;
float oy = 32.5f;
float oz = 32.5f;
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
float ___xd = cast(float)(x - width / 2) / height;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
float __yd = cast(float)(y - height / 2) / height;
float __zd = 1;
float ___zd = __zd * yCos + __yd * ySin;
float _yd = __yd * yCos - __zd * ySin;
float _xd = ___xd * xCos + ___zd * xSin;
float _zd = ___zd * xCos - ___xd * xSin;
uint32_t col = 0;
uint32_t br = 255;
float ddist = 0;
float closest = 32;
for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
float dimLength = _xd;
if (d == 1)
dimLength = _yd;
if (d == 2)
dimLength = _zd;
float ll = 1 / (dimLength < 0 ? -dimLength : dimLength);
float xd = (_xd) * ll;
float yd = (_yd) * ll;
float zd = (_zd) * ll;
float initial = ox - cast(int)ox;
if (d == 1)
initial = oy - cast(int)oy;
if (d == 2)
initial = oz - cast(int)oz;
if (dimLength > 0)
initial = 1 - initial;
float dist = ll * initial;
float xp = ox + xd * initial;
float yp = oy + yd * initial;
float zp = oz + zd * initial;
if (dimLength < 0) {
if (d == 0)
if (d == 1)
if (d == 2)
while (dist < closest) {
uint tex =[mapindex(xp, yp, zp)];
if (tex > 0) {
uint u = cast(uint32_t)((xp + zp) * 16) & 15;
uint v = (cast(uint32_t)(yp * 16) & 15) + 16;
if (d == 1) {
u = cast(uint32_t)(xp * 16) & 15;
v = (cast(uint32_t)(zp * 16) & 15);
if (yd < 0)
v += 32;
uint32_t cc = info.texmap[u + v * 16 + tex *
256 * 3];
if (cc > 0) {
col = cc;
ddist = 255 - cast(int)(dist / 32 * 255);
br = 255 * (255 - ((d + 2) % 3) * 50) / 255;
closest = dist;
xp += xd;
yp += yd;
zp += zd;
dist += ll;
const uint32_t r = cast(uint32_t)(((col >> 16) & 0xff) * br
* ddist / (255 * 255));
const uint32_t g = cast(uint32_t)(((col >> 8) & 0xff) * br
* ddist / (255 * 255));
const uint32_t b = cast(uint32_t)(((col) & 0xff) * br *
ddist / (255 * 255));
frame_buf[framebufindex(x, y)] = rgba(r, g, b);
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