Eloquently sums up my feelings about the disadvantages of dynamic typing

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Thu Oct 17 00:43:06 PDT 2013

On 2013-10-16 22:55, H. S. Teoh wrote:

> Even *with* developer tools, where would you even start? I mean, the
> blank page could have resulted from any one point of about 5kloc worth
> of JS initialization code (which BTW dynamically loads in a whole bunch
> of other JS code, each of which need to run their own initialization
> which includes talking to a remote backend server and processing the
> response data, all before anything even gets displayed on the page --
> don't ask me why it was designed this way, this is what happens when you
> take the browser-as-a-platform concept too far). I think (relatively)
> recently Opera's Dragonfly added a feature to break into the debugger as
> soon as an error is thrown (rather than only when it's unhandled), but
> even that doesn't seem to catch all of the errors.

If you get an error the developer tools will show you where. At least 
it's a start.

/Jacob Carlborg

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