Safe mode in D?
Maxim Fomin
maxim at
Fri Oct 18 00:04:35 PDT 2013
On Thursday, 17 October 2013 at 23:18:21 UTC, DDD wrote:
> I tried this code and the compiler allowed it (runtime I get
> object.Error: Access Violation). What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks I didn't notice
> @safe
> import std.stdio;
> class A {
> int x = 1;
> }
> @safe void main() {
> A a;
> a.x=9;
> }
Yes, compiler allows it. But this is basic case.
Here is D' Bugs Hall Of Fame (collection of memory errors, type
system breakages and other cases to shoot your foot provided by
bugzilla issues, me and other people) :
// --- Case 1. Breaking all of type system through delegates ---
extern(C) @system int printf(const char*, ...);
auto frame1() pure nothrow @safe
immutable void delegate() pure nothrow @safe x;
auto tmp = { return x; } ;
return tmp;
auto frame2(T)(T t) pure nothrow @safe
void delegate() @system x;
x.funcptr = t;
return { return x; } ;
void bar() { printf("pure nothrow @safe loophole\n"); } @system
void main() @safe pure nothrow
//bar(); Error: ...
auto fm1 = frame1();
auto fm2 = frame2(&bar);
fm1.ptr = fm2.ptr;
fm2 = frame2({ printf("pure nothrow @safe loophole\n"); });
fm1.ptr = fm2.ptr;
// ---- Case 2. Breaking immutability ---- //
import std.stdio;
class A
int[] c = [3,3];
void main()
int[] a = [2,2];
int[] b = [2,2];
a[0] = 33;
assert(b[0] == 2); // success
A ca = new A; // assume that one of them is immutable
A cb = new A;
ca.c[0] = 44;
assert(cb.c[0] == 3); // failure: value is 44
// ---- Case 3. Breaking type system via delegates ---- //
class A
int i;
void foo() { ++i; }
void main()
immutable a = new immutable A;
// --- Case 4. Mutating immutable -- //
immutable int i;
void f(ref int n = i)
++n; // hello to those who thinks immutable never changes
import std.stdio;
void main()
// -- Case 5. Memory corruption via lazy --- //
extern(C) int printf(const char*,...) @safe;
alias int T;
auto foo(lazy T i) @safe
return { return i; } ;
auto bar() @safe
T i = 4;
return foo(i);
void baz() @safe
double[2] i = 3.14;
void main() @safe
auto x = bar();
printf("%d\n", x());
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