More on C++ stack arrays

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Tue Oct 22 08:07:54 PDT 2013

Am 22.10.2013 14:26, schrieb Bruno Medeiros:
> On 20/10/2013 20:23, bearophile wrote:
>>  From what I've seen escape analysis is not bringing Java close to D
>> performance when you use 3D vectors implemented as small class
>> instances. We need something that guarantees stack allocation if there's
>> enough space on the stack.
> If my recollection and understanding are correct, that's not due to a
> limitation in the algorithm itself of Java's escape analysis, but
> because Java arrays are allocated using a native call (even within the
> Java bytecode layer that is), and the escape analysis does not see
> beyond any native call. Even if it originates from a Java operation with
> well-known semantics (with regards to escape analysis).
> Thefore it can't ellide the allocations... :/

Just thinking out loud, I would say it is JVM specific how much the 
implementors have improved escape analysis.


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