Question/request/bug(?) re. floating-point in dmd
Apollo Hogan
apollo.hogan at
Wed Oct 23 11:39:12 PDT 2013
On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 16:50:52 UTC, Walter Bright
> On 10/23/2013 9:22 AM, David Nadlinger wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 16:15:56 UTC, Walter Bright
>> wrote:
>>> A D compiler is allowed to compute floating point results at
>>> arbitrarily large
>>> precision - the storage size (float, double, real) only
>>> specify the minimum
>>> precision.
>>> This behavior is fairly deeply embedded into the front end,
>>> optimizer, and
>>> various back ends.
>> I know we've had this topic before, but just for the record,
>> I'm still not sold
>> on the idea of allowing CTFE to yield different results than
>> runtime execution.
> Java initially tried to enforce a maximum precision, and it was
> a major disaster for them. If I have been unable to convince
> you, I suggest reviewing that case history.
> Back when I designed and built digital electronics boards, it
> was beaten into my skull that chips always get faster, never
> slower, and the slower parts routinely became unavailable. This
> means that the circuits got designed with maximum propagation
> delays in mind, and with a minimum delay of 0. Then, when they
> work with a slow part, they'll still work if you swap in a
> faster one.
> FP precision is the same concept. Swap in more precision, and
> your correctly designed algorithm will still work.
There are a couple of points here:
- it seems that whatever the semantics of floating-point
arithmetic, they should be the same at compile-time as at
- I agree that the majority of floating point code is only
improved by increasing the working precision. (If we don't worry
about reproducibility across compilers/machines/etc.) The "real"
data-type seems to be designed exactly for this: use "real" in
numerical code and the compiler will give you a good answer at
the highest performant precision. However there _are_ cases
where it can be very useful to have precise control of the
precision that one is using. Implementing double-double or
quadruple-double data types is an example here. Viewing D as a
_systems_ language, I'd like to have the ability to just have it
do what I ask (and being forced to go to assembler seems
Anyway, thanks for the replies. I guess I've got to go off and
design the brand new D^^2 language to conform to my whims now.
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