std.allocator ready for some abuse
rswhite4 at
Fri Oct 25 07:17:56 PDT 2013
On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 14:09:55 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
> On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 12:07:30 UTC, Namespace wrote:
>> On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 11:21:55 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
>>> On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 10:02:08 UTC, Namespace wrote:
>>>> On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 09:51:40 UTC, Maxim Fomin
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 09:37:23 UTC, Namespace wrote:
>>>>>> We would have then the possibility to manage our memory by
>>>>>> ourself. One of D's promises is, that the GC can be
>>>>>> disabled. Yes, it can, but then we have many many things
>>>>>> which do not work. For example built-in arrays.
>>>>> Not only arrays, but classes, throwables, scope exits, new
>>>>> operator, nested structs, etc.
>>>> Thats right.
>>>> But I often use temporary arrays, but I still don't like
>>>> them because they are always consume so much GC memory. But
>>>> with allocators that would end.
>>>> Let us hope that Walter has the right intention and that
>>>> Andrei design the allocators for this purpose.
>>> Why does it have to be the opaque druntime dynamic array? Why
>>> can't you use the hypothetical (planned, rather)
>>> std.container.Array that supports custom allocators, or a
>>> type of your own design?
>> Because Array!int looks a lot more ugly than such a nice thing
>> as int[].
> If the template syntax is too ugly then we've really failed at
> designing an extensible development platform. Even so, with
> type inference and aliases, the need to write down involved
> names is all but eliminated (not that I think Array!int is a
> particularly involved name).
> Not everything belongs in the core language. Conflating slices
> with garbage collected dynamic arrays is a mistake we have to
> live with, but let's not make the situation even more
> complicated.
I don't get your problem.
>> And if it is possible to change the allocator for some arrays,
>> why shouldn't we implement it?
> Because it has a significant cost.
Which cost?
>> The default allocator would stay the GC allocator. So if you
>> don't want to swap the allocator of your arrays, don't do it.
> That's fine as long as you only use the array locally and don't
> pass it to any code that depends on infinite lifetime
> semantics. It also enables circumvention of SafeD unless some
> language rules are changed.
The language cannot protect you from every mistake you can do.
You should know what you do. If you don't, don't use such a
feature. It's very simple.
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