'Double free' even with @disabled this(this)
monarchdodra at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 11:58:28 PDT 2013
On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 18:24:51 UTC, Maurice wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm trying to use a struct for RAII (like C++'s unique_ptr), so
> i @disabled this(this). However, it's still getting copied
> somehow:
> struct A {
> int some_resource = 0;
> ~this() { if (some_resource) writeln("Freeing resource."); }
> @disable this(this); // Prevent copying
> }
> struct B {
> A a;
> alias a this;
> }
> void main() {
> B b;
> b.some_resource = 100;
> A a = move(b);
> }
> The above code prints 'Freeing resource.' twice!
> See it in action on http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/6461df03
> I guess the first one is from the temporary B that move(b)
> gives. However, that temporary should be moved into a and then
> left in B.init state, but that doesn't happen.
> Is this a bug?
Yes, it seems to be a bug related to alias this. If we remove the
alias this, and type the call explicitly, then we get this:
struct B {
A a;
//alias a this; //Let's do things explicitly.
void main() {
B b;
b.a.some_resource = 100;
A a = move(b).a;
Error: struct main.A is not copyable because it is annotated with
I don't think you should get a *different* behavior with an
explicit call, no matter what said behavior is. You should file
it in buzilla: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/
In this case, not compiling is the correct behavior I think: If
have an B rvalue you can move, then doesn't mean you can
selectivelly move its members (eg A). Think of it in terms of C++
like struct inheritance: If A is a base of B, you can't move a B
into an A.
The issue here is you are trying to move a B into an A, and that
*can't* work. However, you can move the b.a into the a, that's
This does what you want:
void main() {
B b;
b.a.some_resource = 100;
A a = move(b.a); //Move b.a, *NOT* b itself
Freeing resource. //(Once)
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