No mixin scope for string mixins. Is that an oversight?
John Colvin
john.loughran.colvin at
Wed Oct 30 03:03:19 PDT 2013
On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 at 23:16:46 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> Template mixins can take scope names to resolve name conflicts:
> import std.stdio;
> template Templ()
> {
> int i;
> }
> void main()
> {
> mixin Templ!();
> mixin Templ!();
> writeln(i);
> /* Error: deneme.main.Templ!().i at deneme.d(149327)
> * conflicts with deneme.main.Templ!().i at
> * deneme.d(149327) */
> }
> The solution is to use mixin identifiers:
> mixin Templ!() A;
> mixin Templ!() B;
> The code compiles but of course one must specify which 'i' to
> use:
> writeln(A.i);
> The same feature does not exist for string mixins:
> Is there a reason for the omission? Is there an enhancement
> request for it?
> However, the workaround is surprisingly trivial. First, the
> problem:
> import std.stdio;
> void main()
> {
> mixin ("int i;");
> mixin ("int i;");
> writeln(i);
> /* Error: declaration deneme.main.i is already defined */
> }
> The solution:
> import std.stdio;
> template TemplateMixinize(string Str)
> {
> mixin (Str);
> }
> void main()
> {
> mixin TemplateMixinize!("int i;") A;
> mixin TemplateMixinize!("int i;") B;
> writeln(A.i);
> }
> Does TemplateMixinize :p already exist in Phobos?
> Ali
This is a good workaround that I commonly use. Should be in
However, the real problem is the opposite one: To use a mixin
template without it having it's own scope.
Having to resort to string mixins to add constructors or do
proper overloads is ugly and can cause a code duplication (one
mixin template and one string template) which is exactly what
mixins are for avoiding.
Perhaps we could have:
mixin template MixinTemplate(...){...}
scope mixin MixinTemplate!(...);
or maybe
scope mixin MixinTemplate(...){...}
mixin MixinTemplate!(...);
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