Error when implementing methods of abstract class inherited from interface in some second class
neuranuz at
Wed Oct 30 03:14:49 PDT 2013
I don't even know if this is a bug or a feature of language. I
will just put it here.
interface ITaskDoer
int doTask1();
string doTask2(string someName);
bool doTask3(bool value);
abstract //Do abstract makes interface methods abstract?
class BaseTaskDoer: ITaskDoer
override string doTask2(string someName)
{ return "You have passed name: \"" ~ someName ~ "\"";
//Uncommenting this makes code working,
//but this is not much pretty looking code
//override {
// abstract int doTask1();
// abstract bool doTask3(bool value);
class TaskDoer: BaseTaskDoer
override int doTask1()
{ return 100; }
override bool doTask3(bool value)
{ return !value; }
void main()
{ import std.stdio;
auto doer = new TaskDoer;
writeln(doer.doTask1()," ",doer.doTask2("John"),"
Compilation output:
/d124/f170.d(27): Error: function f170.TaskDoer.doTask1 does not
override any function, did you mean to override
/d124/f170.d(30): Error: function f170.TaskDoer.doTask3 does not
override any function, did you mean to override
Please tell me the right way deal with this case? Is it a bug or
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