Delegate is left with a destroyed stack object
Max Samukha
maxsamukha at
Wed Oct 30 05:17:28 PDT 2013
On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 09:56:08 UTC, David Nadlinger
> One other place where this tends to crop is for code involving
> loop variables, but while the behavior might be unexpected to
> some, discussion has made clear that the code works as intended:
> ---
> void main() {
> import std.stdio;
> void delegate()[] dgs;
> foreach (i; 0 .. 5) dgs ~= { writeln(i); };
> foreach (dg; dgs) dg();
> }
> ---
> If structs behaved like you want them to, the snippet would
> (have to) print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 as well, and tht's definitely too
> big a language change to consider at this stage.
> David
So D managed to mess up closures, too. And that's after years of
countless complaints about the same issue in JS!
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