Why are the exec* functions deprecated in std.process?

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Wed Oct 30 09:42:36 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 at 20:25:16 UTC, Lars T. Kyllingstad 
> Therefore, I would like to suggest a compromise:  I propose we 
> move the functions into an std.posix.process module.  (There is 
> currently no std.posix package, but we do have std.windows, so 
> I don't see why we can't add it.)

I think, a more appropriate name is std.native 
(std.native.process etc). This package would strive to be 
platform-specific for the sake of efficiency rather than 
cross-platform. If someone doesn't need to be cross-platform, he 
needs an efficient interface to the native efficient capabilities 
of the current platform. That said, the content of std.native 
modules will be platform-specific and will provide comprehensive 
D-ified API for the platform features.

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