DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue

Benjamin Thaut code at benjamin-thaut.de
Sun Sep 1 12:37:26 PDT 2013

Am 01.09.2013 19:58, schrieb Rainer Schuetze:
> On 01.09.2013 18:43, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
>> Am 01.09.2013 17:26, schrieb Rainer Schuetze:
>>> On 01.09.2013 11:49, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
>>>> I updated the DIP with all discussed content. Feedback is welcome.
>>>> http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP45
>>>> Kind Regards
>>>> Benjamin Thaut
>>> LGTM.
>> Lets get this merged? ^^ First someone has to implement it ;-)
>>> What about the current use case of just exporting some functions for
>>> being loaded by a C application? It should still work using a def-file
>>> (which you have to use anyway most of the time due to
>>> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3956)
>> Well you can still use a .def file of course. Also no one stops you just
>> annotating simple extern(C) functions with the export attribute. I don't
>> see any problem there.
> It would export the ModuleInfo and related symbols.

Is this a issue? There just would be some unused exports in the dll, 
wouldn't it? If this really is a problem we could add a compiler switch 
to stop implict exporting of symbols.

>>> Maybe already deep into implementation but how are we going to deal with
>>> the initialization of data?
>>> module sharedlib;
>>> __gshared int var;
>>> module exe;
>>> import sharedlib;
>>> __gshared int* pvar = &var;
>>> (This kind of relocation also has to be done for stuff like
>>> TypeInfo_Class). It needs initialization code to fill pvar with the
>>> correct pointer.
>> Yes, you are absolutely correct. I don't know enough about the internals
>> of a compiler (dmd in perticular) though to answer this question. Can't
>> we use the same mechanism C++ uses to run all its initializers?
> Yes, it would be an option to generate init functions to be run with the
> C initializers. But that might introduce a dependency on initialization
> order. We can write relocation info into another segment and do the
> relocations before runtime init.

I would say whatever works best for the plattform at hand. No need to 
force one way or the other.

>>> Do we support the same for pointers in TLS?
>>> int* tlsvar = &var;
>>> This might need initialization per thread, or patching the original TLS
>>> segment.
>> The DIP has a seperate section on TLS variables. Did you miss to read
>> that?
> No. I meant thread global variables that are preinitialized. The
> appropriate relocation doesn't exist, the __acccess_tls_var function has
> to be called in a thread local init function.

Can't we initialize these right before running the shared module 
constructors? To make the implementation less work we could also make 
this a error for now and maybe implement it later. What would you prefer?

> Rainer

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