ClassInfo, derived types, and object.Interface

Ludovit Lucenic llucenic at
Mon Sep 2 03:56:13 PDT 2013

On Monday, 2 September 2013 at 06:21:55 UTC, Kapps wrote:
> Anyone have any suggestions for this? Essentially trying to
> figure out, given an object.Interface instance and an index
> within it's vtbl property, how we can get the function pointer
> for that method on a class that overrides the method. I assume
> this is a better place to ask than the D.learn forum as it's 
> more
> of an ABI question than a question about learning D.


Maybe not fully hitting your point, as I cannot recall the 
correct answer anymore.
But I have found using GDB command line and its memory inspection 
to be quite useful in hunting dereferences in the class info 

See especially the Class Object Layout table at .
Let me know, if you get stuck.


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