Issue 10903 - rebuild documentation

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Fri Sep 6 10:36:34 PDT 2013

On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 07:29:33PM +0200, Brad Anderson wrote:
> On Friday, 6 September 2013 at 06:14:49 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
> >
> The real bug title should probably be "Allow more of the core
> development team access to upload to".
> Yourself and many others should be able to update the public
> website. As far as I know it's just Walter and Andrei at the moment
> who can do it. Right now is the perfect example of why only having
> two uploaders is a problem. Both of them are busy at a conference.
> I believe Walter defers all the uploading to Andrei.  Trusted group
> of developers is larger enough that it doesn't make sense to have
> all of the burden and bottleneck on Andrei.

+1 for improving our bus factor.

> Even better, I think, would be to have the website just update
> automatically from git (nightly, perhaps).  Have a script that
> generates the website from a git tag (or even better, a branch
> called "public" so hotfixes can be made) and uploads it to
>  Also add which just uploads the
> website generated from d-p-l/{,phobos,druntime}:master
> (sometimes people report bugs in the website that have already been
> fixed in master).


It would be a good way for git HEAD users to see what the current state
of the docs look like without needing to build it themselves (the
current repo introduces all kinds of dependencies on all kinds
of stuff -- like latex, kindlegen, etc., that people may not have. I
find myself running make -j6 several times just to coax it to build the
stuff it can instead of aborting on stuff that isn't installed on my


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