DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue
deadalnix at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 11:42:29 PDT 2013
On Saturday, 7 September 2013 at 12:47:19 UTC, Benjamin Thaut
> I propose that we add a command-line-paramter to the compiler
> (windows only) which actually enables dllexport. So all
> behavior described in the DIP will be enabled by default, but
> to actually make it mark symbols with dllexport you have to
> specifiy a additional command-line-parameter. We could call it
> "-dll" or something.
I have to think about it. But I'd like to avoid any special
behavior for windows language side.
I also kind of feel that we need to export lib1 as well, as you
may not know what lib2 does with what it gets from lib1 (passing
objects around for instance). So certainly at least some part of
lib1 need to be exported.
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