D and Emacs [ was Re: Move VisualD to github/d-programming-language ? ]

Peter Williams pwil3058 at bigpond.net.au
Mon Sep 9 16:17:44 PDT 2013

On 10/09/13 04:32, Kapps wrote:
> On Monday, 9 September 2013 at 18:03:20 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote
>> On Windows world, Mercurial still has the edge over Git, given the
>> poor Windows support.
>> This will eventually change given the recent endorsement Microsoft has
>> given to Git on their tooling, but it will still take some time to
>> change.
>> --
>> Paulo
> I find Git on Windows to be very nice actually. I just download
> GitExtensions, which installs Git and KDiff and such, as well as an
> awesome extension for Visual Studio. That extension is the best version
> control IDE integration I've ever used. Git Extensions will also set git
> up for command prompt, and optionally include tools like ssh-keygen so
> you can use the command line as you would on Linux. Perhaps there was a
> time that Windows support for Git was terrible, but I find it excellent
> now.

For those who prefer Mercurial to Git (I used to be one but I've since 
gone with the tide) there is a Mercurial extension 
<http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HgGit> which enables you to clone a 
git repository with Mercurial and then do pushes, pulls etc with that 
repository as if it were a Mercurial one.  This means that you can use 
github without having to learn git.


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