dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

Martin Nowak code at dawg.eu
Tue Sep 10 17:18:26 PDT 2013

On 09/10/2013 10:48 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> We've been experimenting with http://code.dlang.org for a while and
> things are going well. In particular Sönke has been very active about
> maintaining and improving it, which brings further confidence in the
> future of the project.
> We're considering making dub the official package manager for D. What do
> you all think?
> Andrei

I think the package format is really good.
The registry is essential but needs to support categories, searching and 
some sort of quality ranking (voting?) for future grow.
Dub itself works but is still somewhat raw.

So I am for making dub's package format and the registry the official 
place for packages and supporting dub as the primary package manager.

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