Move VisualD to github/d-programming-language ?

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Thu Sep 12 11:51:49 PDT 2013

Am 12.09.2013 18:22, schrieb Trent:
> On Thursday, 12 September 2013 at 15:55:26 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
>> On Thursday, 12 September 2013 at 11:30:57 UTC, PauloPinto wrote:
>>> I don't get the point, what there is VM like when I compile Java,
>>> Scala, F#, C# native code?
>> Compiling such language to native code require horribly convoluted
>> code generation. For instance, an helloworld in java compilled
>> natively with gcj gives you a 50Mb (!) binary blob.
> GCJ also doesn't offer improved performance over the JVM for non-trivial
> code. It will reduce the startup time, since no JIT is needed, but
> beyond that it doesn't really offer benefits.
> Not sure about other VM->native compilation

It is a waste of time to bring up gcj as an example, it is an outdated 
compiler, frozen in time (2009), where not much effort was spent in 
optimizing code.

If one wants to compare performance of Java native compilers, Aonix,
Excelsior JET and Websphere Real Time JVM are better examples.

Again there is no such thing as VM -> native compilation, it is always
an implementation decision.

I really hate all this VM/Managed code concepts introduced by 
Sun/Microsoft. Before we used to discuss implementation techniques
for programming languages, compiled/interpreted/jitted, not VM vs native.


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