[OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Fri Sep 13 15:06:50 PDT 2013
On Friday, September 13, 2013 14:58:48 H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 05:42:18PM -0400, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On Friday, September 13, 2013 21:48:15 Namespace wrote:
> > > Just out of interest.
> > >
> > > I use Sublime 2, Notepad++ and as IDE currently Mono-D. But I
> > > will try this evening VisualD.
> >
> > I use gvim regardless of the language that I'm writing in. I even use
> > it for word processing, because if I have to write a document that
> > requires that, I use LaTex.
> [...]
> +1.
> I use vim (bare text mode, no GUI, so no gvim for me)
I don't actually use any of the GUI controls. It's just useful to have vim in
a window that I can resize (you also get better color choices than in the
> for literally
> *everything*. Everything from system config files to coding to LaTeX for
> word-processing to scripted graphics processing (thanks to imagemagick)
> to povray scene files, there's almost nothing in my world that can't be
> accomplished by vim. :)
> Sometimes I wonder how the GUI-encumbered people get any work done at
> all, what with needing to constantly switch their hands between the
> keyboard and the rodent, wait for a 600MB application to load up 200MB
> of eye-candy and paint the screen with 50 toolbar controls, 45 of which
> that they never actually use, click through endless layers of nested
> menus just to perform a single operation, etc.. ;-)
> (OK, OK, so I'm a fossilized relic from the last ice age of '75, I'll
> stop the GUI-bashing now. :-P You may carry on.)
LOL. Yeah, the main reason that I don't use IDEs is the fact that they're
essentially a glorified version of notepad as far as editing goes. They _do_
usually have better editing capabilities then the ever-so-pathetic notepad,
but they can't do much of anything in comparison to the likes of vim or emacs.
So, I end up using (g)vim for everything. The features that an IDE has that
vim doesn't typically just aren't worth it. e.g. if I'm stuck doing Windows
programming, about the most that I even do with VS is use the debugger. I even
build from the command line rather than open the IDE.
Vim's learning curve is quite nasty, but I definitely think that it was worth
- Jonathan M Davis
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