[OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?
Paulo Pinto
pjmlp at progtools.org
Fri Sep 13 21:56:10 PDT 2013
Am 14.09.2013 00:06, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:
> .... The features that an IDE has that
> vim doesn't typically just aren't worth it. e.g. if I'm stuck doing Windows
> programming, about the most that I even do with VS is use the debugger. I even
> build from the command line rather than open the IDE.
> Vim's learning curve is quite nasty, but I definitely think that it was worth
> it.
> - Jonathan M Davis
You mean things like:
- Semantic refactoring
- WYSIWYG design of user interfaces
- code navigation, even across binary modules (call graph, derived
class, overridden methods, call sites, ...)
- graphical representation of code relationships
- UML design
- visual XML tooling
- background compilation showing where there are issues
- background static analysis while coding
- code completation with documentation popups
- integrate source code control with task management software to track
code changes to project tasks
- map failed unit tests to code lines
- ...
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