D Ranges
wendlec at tcd.ie
Mon Sep 16 06:09:13 PDT 2013
On Monday, 16 September 2013 at 13:05:56 UTC, Chris wrote:
> On Saturday, 14 September 2013 at 02:10:13 UTC, Jesse Phillips
> wrote:
>> There isn't a guide in the manner you desire.
>> In my experience I generally don't hold any more data than the
>> value returned by front (to prevent recalculation). Right now
>> I don't recall what situations I've needed to store the
>> intermediary data,
>> but I know how you feel about having a input rang which is
>> like an output range simply returning a range to provide the
>> chaining ability.
> Yes, this occurs sometimes. But I think it's due to my lack of
> experience with ranges, that's why I was asking, if there was a
> rough guide. I don't think I really need to store intermediate
> data in my components.
> I'm not sure, however, if I should slowly migrate from OOP to
> structs. A of now I use them in two scenarios:
> 1. input / output ranges (flexible and interchangeable
> "workhorses")
> 2. storage of user defined data types, e.g. you could have a
> struct like this for an entry in a dictionary:
> struct LexEntry {
> string lemma = "digital";
> string transcription = "Some IPA symbols";
> string[] definition = ["1. bla bla", "2. bla bla"];
> }
> At the moment, I use a lot of singletons in my program, because
> a lot of the data and data processing is handled by designated
> classes that do not to be reinstantiated. They just sit there
> waiting for input. In fact, without even noticing it, I
> designed parts of my program in an OO fashion that, in a way,
> makes OOP superfluous. So I'm beginning to wonder whether
> classes are really necessary. If I need features like
> sublcassing, I could just right another input range and add it
> to the chain. I'm still hesitant because a. if it's not broke,
> don't fix it and b. there might be some usage scenario when
> I'll need OO design and that I cannot yet foresee. But I agree
> that OO design is hard to unittest, it's not easy to single out
> a component and test it, because it's like a neurological
> network.
that do not _have_ to be reinstantiated
I could just right <= write (sorry, it's the Monday bug in my
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