[OT] Language Cocktail

Chris wendlec at tcd.ie
Wed Sep 18 08:25:21 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 15:18:19 UTC, John Colvin 
> On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 08:38:05 UTC, Namespace 
> wrote:
>> http://consoleblog.me/posts/cocktails-for-programmers
>> Any suggestions for D?
> Without having looked at the link, I had a few ideas for 
> different languages:
> C: Straight vodka. It's a concrete base for many things. Does 
> the job.
> Fortran: Gin. Not as popular as it used to be. Many have moved 
> to vodka.
> C++: Earthquake or Concrete Mixer, I can't decide. Earthquake 
> because it's an immensely powerful mix but also unsatisfying 
> and will royally fuck you up. Concrete mixer because of the 
> jarring clash between templates and normal code.
> Python: Mojito. Little bit exotic, but very popular. Easy to do 
> badly, but still ok even when you do.
> Ruby: Pina Colada. Fruity. A good blend of flavours with a 
> unified feel.
> PHP: A badly made bloody mary. A complete mess.
> JavaScript: Sambucca. Ok in small quantities, but for gods sake 
> don't use it as base for anything.
> Java: Light beer. You have to drink a lot to get anywhere, 
> unsatisfying and falling out of fashion somewhat, but still 
> hugely widespread.
> D: A well stocked, well organised drinks cabinet, with a 
> variety of automated mixing machines. Very few glasses, some of 
> the bottles are actually almost empty (or off) and you can't 
> find any tools. Has been known to rearrange critical sections 
> of itself overnight. Lacks customers.
> asm: chemistry set. You can definitely make cocktails with it, 
> you just have to put in the work and concentrate :)


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