Opaque handles...

Tavi Cacina octavian.cacina at outlook.com
Wed Sep 18 23:22:02 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 16:05:00 UTC, Manu wrote:
> One final problem with ref-counting in D. Since it's not a 1st 
> class
> feature and requires you to store a ref-count in your object, 
> you can't
> make your objects immutable anymore because the ref-count needs 
> to be
> bumped about as the object moves around. Anyone approached this 
> problem?

I'de like to here some guidelines regarding this too. I tried 
once to manage some resources with ref-counted structs. The 
problem was that I could not hold them in classes anymore, so for 
deterministic life-management I had to use just structs, 

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