Bartosz Milewski seems to like D more than C++ now :)
pjmlp at
Fri Sep 20 00:14:28 PDT 2013
On Thursday, 19 September 2013 at 23:50:04 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 12:18:22AM +0200, Szymon Gatner wrote:
>> I had similar thoughts when watching GoingNaive 2013:
>> I was more and more scared with every talk and now I am
>> valualizing
>> my polymorphic types a'la Sean Parent
> Quote:
> There was so much talk about how not to use C++ that it
> occurred
> to me that maybe this wasn’t the problem of incompetent
> programmers, but that straightforward C++ is plain wrong. So if
> you just learn the primitives of the language and try to use
> them, you’re doomed.
> ... [big snippage] ...
> I can go on and on like this (and I often do!). Do you see the
> pattern? Every remedy breeds another remedy. It’s no longer
> just
> the C subset that should be avoided. Every new language feature
> or library addition comes with a new series of gotchas. And you
> know a new feature is badly designed if Scott Meyers has a talk
> about it. (His latest was about the pitfalls of, you guessed
> it,
> move semantics.)
> This is sooo true. It reflects my experience with C++.
> Honestly, it got
> to a point where I gave up trying to following the remedy upon
> the patch
> to another remedy to a third remedy that patches yet another
> remedy on
> top of a fundamentally broken core. [... cutted]
I dislike C, and will take C++ safety and abstraction
capabilities over C, unless forced to do otherwise.
Now, having said this. I hardly write any C++ nowadays.
In the types of projects we do, it is all about JVM and .NET
Sometimes even replacing "legacy C++" systems by new systems done
in those languages.
So writing C++, or even C, tends to be restricted to a few method
For example, recently we had a project for real time data
analysis on Windows.
It was a C#/WPF application. C++ was only used for the hardware
interfaces and SIMD optimizations for a few algorithms.
> Sounds like D's decision to go with a GC may not be *that* bad
> after
> all...
I like GC enabled systems programming languages since I used
Oberon, and had some contact with Modula-3.
Like many things in programming, the only way to convince other
developers is to have them use such systems.
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