[OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?
666total at wp.pl
Fri Sep 20 07:05:19 PDT 2013
On Friday, 20 September 2013 at 12:16:39 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Uh... you do realize that this is because Linux actually *lets*
> you fix
> things? If something like this happened on Windows, the only
> real
> solution is to nuke the system from orbit and start from ground
> zero
> again (i.e. reinstall). One can hardly expect that repairing a
> broken
> car engine should require no thought.
When was the last time you used Windows? Since Vista, if a
graphics driver crashes, I usually get a black screen for few
seconds, then a nice window saying "The GPU driver has crashed,
windows has restarted it". If it really breaks, it's a matter of
going into Safe Mode and installing the driver again. But
overall, Windows is almost uncrashable as long as you don't have
a defective device.
On Linux? hah, bad driver will lock you out of the system,
installations regularly break. Closing the system? Oh let me just
flash random gibberish that looks like memory corruption, then
some log messages where it's "FATAL ERROR" every third line. No
thanks, I prefer my stable system.
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