Need help to finish DMD zip/7z release generator (alpha release)
Rainer Schuetze
r.sagitario at
Sat Sep 21 23:59:04 PDT 2013
On 22.09.2013 04:54, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 17:39:22 -0400
> Nick Sabalausky <SeeWebsiteToContactMe at> wrote:
>> On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:38:06 +0200
>> Rainer Schuetze <r.sagitario at> wrote:
>>> I noticed that it is the git process that has a handle on that
>>> directory. It seems to able to delete the directory if you run git
>>> from the parent directory and pass "dmd" instead of ".".
>> Hmm, well it's been working fine on my Win machine as-is, but I'll
>> look into doing that. I think I had some reason for doing it this
>> way, but it probably wasn't anything major.
> Just before I was about to make that fix, I started experiencing the
> same problem, too.
> I've made the change you suggested and it seems to work for me. Can you
> verify?
I retried and had the issue with access to %TEMP%/".create_dmd_release
problem problem during startup again. This time it was TortoiseGitCache
holding a handle to that directory. Killing that process helped.
Then, the 32-bit build ran flawlessly if I
- add the dmc binary path to the PATH environment variable
- add the path to some existing dmd installation to the path. rdmd is
needed to run get_dlibcurl32.bat. [OT: I noticed it uses a VB script to
do the download. Shudder ;-) Here is a http-get function without needing
, though I don't know how usable it is. ]
I usually don't have these paths added because the folders contain too
many executables that try to replace more useful versions of them
(lib,link,shell,make). I'd prefer if you could specify the path to dmc
as an option, but it's not a big deal as the task of building the
release is pretty special anyway.
It would be nice if rdmd is used from the current build, though.
After the successful build I tried the 64-bit build. It stopped here:
Building Druntime 64-bit
Entering dir:
Running: make MODEL=64 DMD=../dmd/src/dmd -f win64.mak
mkdir import\core\stdc
A subdirectory or file import\core\stdc already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\freebsd\sys
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\freebsd\sys already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\linux\sys
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\linux\sys already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\osx\mach
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\osx\mach already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\posix\arpa
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\posix\arpa already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\posix\net
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\posix\net already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\posix\netinet
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\posix\netinet already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\posix\sys
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\posix\sys already exists.
mkdir import\core\sys\windows
A subdirectory or file import\core\sys\windows already exists.
mkdir import\etc\linux
A subdirectory or file import\etc\linux already exists.
"\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC"\bin\amd64\cl -c
/Z7 /I"\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC"\INCLUDE
/I"\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A"\Include
src\core\stdc\errno.c -Foerrno_c.obj
Error: '\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
10.0\VC\bin\amd64\cl' not found
Entering dir: C:\tmp\d\installer2\create_dmd_release\x
create_dmd_release: Error: Command failed (ran from dir
'C:\Users\Rainer\AppData\Local\Temp\.create_dmd_release\druntime'): make
MODEL=64 DMD=../dmd/src/dmd -f win64.mak
This happens because the VCDIR variable is not passed to the makefile
(to work with VS2012+ you'll have to pass CC and AR explicitely as the
path to the binaries inside the VS installation has changed).
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