Debugging support for D - wiki

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Wed Sep 25 11:34:13 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 25 September 2013 at 14:46:20 UTC, Bruno Medeiros 

> Ehhh? What's up with Mac OS X and all those outdated operating 
> system managed installations? (I'm referring to the similar 
> issues with had with the JVM)

Apple has abandoned the GCC tool chain. They're betting all on 
the LLVM tool chain. That means Clang and LLDB, not GCC and GDB. 
It's possible the still use the linker from GCC.

The issue with JVM is that previously Apple shipped JVM, but 
since Mac OS X Lion Oracle ships JVM instead. For some reason 
Eclipse refused to run the JVM shipped by Oracle, this has been 

> Can't you easily install a newer GDB yourself, outside of Mac 
> OS management? If it can be done even in Windows (with Cygwin 
> or MSYS), surely it can in Mac as well, no?

Of course you can. It's possible to install using Macports, 
possibly using Homebrew as well. Although I heard there was some 
issue with that version of GDB, one need to use sudo. I have not 
verified that myself.

As Sean said, preferably it should work using the standard tool 
chain, that means LLDB. LLDB is a great debugger which works on 
other platforms as well (Linux and FreeBSD, 32 and 64bit). LLDB 
has a completely new command line interface which is more 
consistent than the one in GDB. It also contains a lot of aliases 
to GDB commands. If any alias is missing it's possible to create 
one yourself. I have no idea how to integrate a debugger in an 
IDE, but if the command line interface is used, you can hopefully 
use the same interface for GDB and LLDB.

> What are the implications? Does this mean you canr create a 
> breakpoint for a given source file line?

I have tried that. But want I do know is that the stack trace in 
the debugger doesn't have line numbers.

/Jacob Carlborg

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