dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

Manu turkeyman at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 01:39:38 PDT 2013

On 26 September 2013 18:24, Jacob Carlborg <doob at me.com> wrote:

> On 2013-09-26 09:44, Manu wrote:
>  Is there a front-end for dub floating around?
>> Something like the cygwin package installer comes to mind... (nothing
>> fancy)
>> I've used dub once, I was very satisfied with the experience. I think a
>> front-end where you can browse the repository and select/deselect
>> packages conveniently would be a great addition to the experience, if
>> it's not already available.
> I'm wondering how that would look like. Because apparently people don't
> like dub to actually install packages. If dub doesn't install packages I
> don't think it would gain much of over browsing the registry:
> http://code.dlang.org/

Is that not a package list?

I only just skimmed this thread, but it seemed dub installs packages to
What did it install when I told it to install vibe.d and some other
companion pieces then?
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