Another interesting hack: expand a static array into parameter arguments
Artur Skawina
art.08.09 at
Thu Apr 3 07:32:11 PDT 2014
On 04/03/14 15:38, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 4/3/14, Artur Skawina <art.08.09 at> wrote:
>> Actually, they are *much easier* to debug than the recursive templates
>> -- because you can always look at the generated code, something that
>> is impossible when using the templates.
> Personally I think we need a third mechanism. I would totally love to
> be able to write CTFE-style template code. Here's a demonstration:
Yes. But that would make D a very different language, so introducing
something like it isn't really practical right now...
I've turned the pseudocode below into real working D code, just to
see how close to your solutions I could get.
(And before somebody suggests it - yes, it can easily be done via
templates. The whole point of this exercise is to see how the code
looks without them.)
> template FilterInts(Args...)
> {
> foreach (T; Args)
> {
> static if (is(T == int))
> FilterInts ~= T; // populate a type tuple
> }
> }
> void main()
> {
> static assert(is(FilterInts!(int, float, int, string) == TypeTuple!(int, int)));
> }
template FilterInts(Args...) {
mixin (q{
alias FilterInts = TypeTuple!(} ~ {
string r;
foreach (I, T; Args) if (is(T==int))
r ~= ",Args["[!r..$] ~ I.stringof ~ "]";
return r;
}() ~ ");");
Well, ugh. One can hardly see what is going on in there.
One solution would be to support tuple indexing by tuples -- this
would allow a simple implementation, similar to the one below.
[IOW: (int, double, string)[0,2] == (int, string) ]
> template GetFirstArray(Args...)
> {
> foreach (T; Args)
> {
> static if (isArray!T)
> {
> GetFirstArray = T;
> break;
> }
> }
> }
> void main()
> {
> static assert(is(GetFirstArray!(int, int[], float, float[]) == int[]));
> }
alias GetFirstArray(Args...) =
Args[{ foreach (I, T; Args) if (isArray!T) return I; assert(0); }()];
> This is so much better and easier to understand than recursive
> templates. Imperative-style type extraction/manipulation rather than
> writing hard-to-grok recursive templates. Thinking about it, I think
> the only reason why recursive templates are a popular approach is
> because of C++ heritage. But I really think we can do better.
Yep. But static-foreach is a non-trivial language addition (eg it must
be able to build arg-lists aka tuples).
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