A very fast linker to replace gcc's ld
joakim at airpost.net
Sat Apr 5 15:30:27 PDT 2014
On Saturday, 5 April 2014 at 21:47:33 UTC, Asman01 wrote:
> Today I've found a good alternative to slow gcc's linker: gold.
> Written by Google in C++ it's a linker writen for large code
> bases with C++ in mind. The author claims it's about 5 times
> fast than gcc's one. It does support ELF only and UNIX-like
> symtem I think it's enough to dmd on linux or am I missing
> something? I believe it can reduce a lot dmd's compilation
> speed on these system. It's under same GPL as gcc's ld. I
> wonder if we can use it to make dmd still fastest. :)
> It seems same case as Facebook needed a new C++ preprocessor
> for its large code base.
> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com.br/2008/04/gold-google-releases-new-and-improved.html
> https://events.linuxfoundation.org/images/stories/pdf/lfcs2012_ccoutant.pdf
Dmd already uses whatever the system linker is and on Arch that's
gold. The Android NDK also uses gold by default, though they
also provide the original bfd ld and a newer llvm-based linker
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