A very fast linker to replace gcc's ld
deadalnix at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 17:26:11 PDT 2014
On Saturday, 5 April 2014 at 22:30:28 UTC, Joakim wrote:
> Dmd already uses whatever the system linker is and on Arch
> that's gold. The Android NDK also uses gold by default, though
> they also provide the original bfd ld and a newer llvm-based
> linker started by MediaTek, mclinker:
> https://code.google.com/p/mclinker/
DMD emit object file that, depending on the version of Gold:
- Will produce broken binaries.
- Will fail with cryptic internal error;
I've tried to patch Gold, to accept dmd's file, but eventually
ran out of time. If one want to take over that work I can point
some places in Gold's source code to look at. I'd also not be
that surprised that DMD does emit somthing weird in its object
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