
Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 07:15:41 PDT 2014

On 4/10/14, Chad Joan <chadjoan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd much rather write:
> File myFile;
> myFile.open("foobar.txt", READ | WRITE );
> It should be possible, because the argument's context is of the
> (hypothetical) FileAccess enum type.  It should be unambiguous
> that I intend to use FileAccess's "READ" symbol there, and not
> some other symbol from module scope.

There is a possible library workaround for this, e.g. a minimal example:

struct FileAccess
    private alias This = typeof(this);

    This opBinary(string op)(This rhs)
        mixin("return This(this.val " ~ op ~ " rhs.val);");

    int val;

enum : FileAccess
    READ  = FileAccess(1 << 0),
    WRITE = FileAccess(1 << 1)

void open(FileAccess access) { }

void main()
    open(READ | WRITE);

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