'dmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at gmx.de
Mon Apr 14 15:52:04 PDT 2014

On 14.04.2014 22:29, Capture_A_Lag wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am new to D language and I have a problem with compiler.
> I have Windows 8.1 64bit.
> I installed DMD 2.065 compiler and Visual D for Visual Studio 2013
> Ultimate.
> So when I create an empty(Hello D-World) project and try to compile it,
> I get this error: "'dmd' is not recognized as an internal or external
> command,
> operable program or batch file.".
> I added "dm\bin" and "dmd2\windows\bin" to PATH environment variable.
> Here is a full build log:
> ____________________________________________________
> ____________________________________________________
> Build Log
> Building Debug\D_TEST.exe
> Command Line
> set PATH=D:\Developing\Visual Studio
> 2013\VisualD\D\dm\windows\\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
> Kits\8.1\\\bin;%PATH%
> dmd -g -debug -X -Xf"Debug\D_TEST.json" -deps="Debug\D_TEST.dep" -c
> -of"Debug\D_TEST.obj" main.d
> if errorlevel 1 goto reportError
> set LIB=
> echo. > Debug\D_TEST.build.lnkarg
> echo
> "Debug\D_TEST.obj","Debug\D_TEST.exe_cv","Debug\D_TEST.map",user32.lib+
>  >> Debug\D_TEST.build.lnkarg
> echo kernel32.lib/NOMAP/CO/NOI >> Debug\D_TEST.build.lnkarg
> "D:\Developing\DIGITAL MARS\VisualD\pipedmd.exe" -deps
> Debug\D_TEST.lnkdep link.exe @Debug\D_TEST.build.lnkarg
> if errorlevel 1 goto reportError
> if not exist "Debug\D_TEST.exe_cv" (echo "Debug\D_TEST.exe_cv" not
> created! && goto reportError)
> echo Converting debug information...
> "D:\Developing\DIGITAL MARS\VisualD\cv2pdb\cv2pdb.exe"
> "Debug\D_TEST.exe_cv" "Debug\D_TEST.exe"
> if errorlevel 1 goto reportError
> if not exist "Debug\D_TEST.exe" (echo "Debug\D_TEST.exe" not created! &&
> goto reportError)
> goto noError
> :reportError
> echo Building Debug\D_TEST.exe failed!
> :noError
> Output
> 'dmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> Building Debug\D_TEST.exe failed!
> ____________________________________________________
> ____________________________________________________
> Please help me!
> I do really want to write programs on D!

I guess the dmd installation path configured in Visual D is not correct: 
go to Tool->Options->Projects and Solutions->Visual D Settings->DMD 
Directories and check the "DMD Installation path". This must be the 
absolute path of the folder that contains the "windows" subfolder.

Guessing from your build log, if "D:\Developing\DIGITAL 
MARS\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe" exists, it should be

D:\Developing\DIGITAL MARS\dmd2

though it might be better to not use spaces in the path to dmd. It 
doesn't always like this, see http://dlang.org/dmd-windows.html#problems

Double back slashes are usually no problem, and you don't need dmc to 
compile D files.

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